Russian Bulgarian Facebook Електронна поща Шуменски университет


1) Title - Times New Roman, size 12 pt, bold, capitalized;

2) Name and surname - Times New Roman, size 12 pt, with italics;

3) Abstract (in the language of the article) - Times New Roman, size 10 pt;

4) Key words - 3-5 words / words (in the language of the article) - Times New Roman, size 10 pt.

There is one blank line after the title, the author's name, the key word and abstract


1) Title (in English) - Times New Roman, size 12 pt, bold, capitalized;

2) Name and Surname (in English) - Times New Roman, size 12 pt, with italic;

3) Abstract (in English) - Times New Roman, size 10 pt;

4) Keywords - 3-5 words / words (Times New Roman, size 10 pt.

There is one blank line after the title, the author's name, the key words and the abstract in English.

Requirements for editing the article text (see the template in the appendix)

1) Word text editor for Windows, sheet format: A5;

2) Fields: 1,9 cm from all sides, line break: 1,25 cm – for the text of the article, leveled bilaterally, and in the list of literature, sources, dictionaries indent – 0,5 cm; Line spacing: 1 (single);

- Font size: Times New Roman, size 12 pt;

- Font footnotes and literature: Times New Roman, size 10 pt;

- Citation: square brackets are used, indicating the corresponding number and quoted pages, for example [2, p. 31];

- Examples are in italics and the distinctions in them - in bold italics; after the example, the author is given in brackets: (I. Vazov); bold type for text highlighted, highlighting is used in exceptional cases.

3) the list of literature is arranged in alphabetical order, placed after the article titled LITERATURE (bold) and formed in accordance with the model shown below;

Then following is a transliteration of the lists of references used under the name REFERENCES.

4) At the end of the article, the following information is given about the author:

- Name Surname;

- Science degree;

– Title;

- Organization in which the author works;

- City, Country;

– E-mail.

[DOCX] Pattern for formatting the article